Edge Delta Archive Outputs

There can only be at most one workflow with archive destinations. Raw logs are compressed and sent periodically when one of these conditions hit:

  • Compressed logs size reaches 16MB (configurable via agent_settings.archive_max_byte_limit)
  • 30 minutes passes (configurable via agent_settings.archive_flush_interval)

The destination bucket will receive compressed logs as a gzip file every 5min (or more frequent on high volume environments). The max file size is 16MB. The gzip files have json lines containing raw log and other source attributes. The folder path format is {bucket}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{tag}/{host}/{random id}.log.gz, for example:


Edge Delta Amazon S3 Output

Archive data in Amazon S3.

Edge Delta Azure Blob Storage Output

Archive data in Azure Blob Storage.

Edge Delta Google Cloud Storage Output

Archive data in Google Cloud Storage.

Edge Delta Local Storage Output

Archive data in Local Storage.

Edge Delta Beta Archive Destinations

Archive destinations that are in beta.