Edge Delta Timeseries Trace Widget
3 minute read
After selecting a type, the options open in the Filter pane for one data source. In this example, Trace is selected.

You can filter the contents of a Trace Widget using the filters pane, similarly to filtering on the Trace Explorer. This includes filtering by the trace duration, service and event type, and by variables present on your dashboard.
Data Sources
You can choose to chart Requests or Latencies. As you select filters, the query is built in the Data Options tab and you can choose to include child spans in the filtering.
You can add a second data source to visualize them both on the same widget. Click Add data source and select a data type to add to the current chart:

You configure the second source and the preview populates with an additional series. You can provide a series label, and you can go back to the first data source to edit it or provide a label.

On the Compare to tab you can add a historical series for the selected data source. This series can show a particular look-back period or it can show the previous time range for currently selected look-back period:

Visualization Options
Click Visualization Options to configure how data is presented. For example you can specify whether to show the Legend, the data format of the series, and custom colors per data series.
Add Series Colors You can specify colors for the graphs using the Coloring method options:
- Auto: This option chooses a palette depending on the widget type.
- Default palette: This option uses the built-in Edge Delta color palette that is designed for readability and to work with the interface colors.
- Random palette: This option uses randomly selected colors for each series.

- Custom palette: You can use this option to choose a set of colors which are assigned sequentially to the series. Right click to remove a color.

- Continuous color mapping: This option changes series colors on a gradient depending on its y-axis value. You set the value range and colors. This is useful for visualizing gauges and indicating a threshold.

- Discrete color mapping: This option is similar to Continuous but you set intervals and colors for each interval. The colors do not change in a gradient but rather switch as the series passes the interval.

Rather than using preset templates you can configure specific colors for specific series in the charts. To do this expand the Style overrides section and create a new item for each series, then specify a Fixed color:

Display Options
Click Display Options to configure the widget labels, a tooltip and footer text. You can set the Time Filter to either inherit from the parent dashboard, or you can set a custom look back period.