Creating Edge Delta Hosted Agents

Installing Edge Delta Hosted Agents.


Hosted Agents are Edge Delta agents that are hosted in cloud infrastructure owned and managed by Edge Delta. See here for more information about Hosted Agents. Click Pipelines - Hosted Agents.

Header Description
ID The Hosted Agent ID. You use this to configure your data integrations.
Name A friendly name for the agent.
Status The agent status:
- pending or provisioning: The agent is initializing so it can’t be updated or deleted.
- scaling: The agent is updating so it can’t be further updated or deleted.
- ready: The agent is operational so it can be updated or deleted.
- failed: The agent has failed and it must be deleted, failed agents can’t be updated.
- marked-for-delete: The agent is in the process of being deleted.
Count The number of agents deployed in the Hosted Agents.
HTTPS The URL of the HTTPS endpoint that the hosted agent exposes.

Creating a Hosted Agent

  1. Click Pipelines in the Edge Delta Web App and select Hosted Agents.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the hosted agent.
  4. Select an agent version. The interface lists the current stable version (the lower version number) and most recent candidate version (the higher version number). Choose the current stable version. If this configuration doesn’t work you can contact Edge Delta support to experiment with the candidate.
  5. Select a public cloud provider. If your preferred cloud provider is not listed, contact Edge Delta support.
  6. Select the region where the hosted agent will be hosted.
  7. For Config ID, there are 2 options:
  • select Generate one for me if you want to create a new agent configuration.

Note: this will generate an agent with a v2 configuration.

  • If you have already configured an agent and you want to reuse that configuration, select the configuration ID from the drop down.

Note: Specify a v3 configuration if you want to configure the hosted agent using Visual Pipelines.

  1. Select the HTTPS checkbox if you want your data source to push data to a secure HTTP endpoint on the hosted agent.
  2. Click Create.

The new hosted agent is added to the Hosted Agents table. If you configured an HTTPS endpoint, the URL is listed on the table and you use this to configure your push sources. If you created a hosted agent with a newly created configuration ID in step 7, the hosted agent is also automatically configured with an input path for the HTTPS endpoint and this input is added to the pipeline configuration for the agent:

Configuration V3

- name: file_input_lambda_logs
  type: file_input
  path: /var/captured_requests/body_*.json

Configuration V2

  - labels: captured_requests
    path: /var/captured_requests/body_*.json
      - captured_requests

If you created a hosted agent with HTTPS based on an existing configuration ID, you need to add this input path to the hosted agent configuration manually.