Edge Delta Log to Metric Node

Extract metrics from logs using the Edge Delta Log to Metric Node.


The Log to Metric Node evaluates the body field for matching patterns and generates metrics.

  • incoming_data_types: log
  • outgoing_data_types: metric

For a detailed walkthrough, see the Create Metrics from Logs page.

Example Configuration

Different types of metrics are supported:

Occurrence Count

A simple count of occurrences of logs that match the pattern, for example a metric called timeout.count to count logs containing connection timeout. The count stat is enabled by entering count and pressing Enter. In the test pane, on the Processor tab, you can drop in sample logs and view the output metric items.

YAML Version:

- name: occurrence_count
  type: log_to_metric
  pattern: (?i)connection timeout
  interval: 5s
  skip_empty_intervals: false
  only_report_nonzeros: false
  metric_name: connection_timeout
  - count

Input logs:

2021-09-10 12:05:00 ERROR node7 experienced a connection timeout
2021-09-10 12:06:00 WARN connection timeout while trying to reach the database node7
2021-09-10 12:07:00 INFO node7 attempting to reconnect after a connection timeout
2021-09-10 12:08:00 ERROR node7 - connection timeout during data synchronization
2021-09-10 12:09:00 DEBUG Checked connection status to node7, no timeout detected

Out of these sample logs, logs 1, 2, 3 and 4 contain the phrase “connection timeout” and are counted by the occurrence count node for a value of 4.

Output in Test Pane:

  "_type": "metric"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 4
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "connection_timeout.count"
  "resource": {    }
  "start_timestamp": 1708445624790
  "timestamp": 1708445629790
  "unit": "1"
  "_stat_type": "count"

Output in Metric Explorer:

You can select the connection_timeout metric in the Metrics Explorer.

Numeric Capture

This example matches any part of a log line that contains Response Time: followed by one or more digits (\d+), and ends with ms. It captures the numeric value representing the response time in milliseconds. The numeric values captured are turned into metrics with the base name response. In the test pane, on the Processor tab, you can drop in sample logs and view the output metric items.

Numeric captures must use a named capture group with a corresponding numeric dimension.

YAML Version:

- name: numeric_capture
  type: log_to_metric
  pattern: 'Response Time: (?P<response>\d+)ms'
  interval: 1m0s
  skip_empty_intervals: false
  only_report_nonzeros: false
  - min
  - max
  - avg
  - numeric_dimension: response

Input logs:

WARN Slow response detected, Response Time: 300ms
DEBUG Request finished, Response Time: 150ms
ERROR Service timeout, Response Time: 500ms
INFO Processed request with Response Time: 100ms

Output in Node Test Pane: This is one of the output metrics in the node test pane. Note the metric name: numeric_capture_response.avg.

  "_type": "metric"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 262.5
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "numeric_capture_response.avg"
  "resource": {    }
  "start_timestamp": 1708445617679
  "timestamp": 1708445677679
  "unit": "1"
  "_stat_type": "avg"

Output in Metric Explorer: You can select the metric name numeric_capture_response.avg in the Metric Explorer.

Dimension Counter

If named captures in the regex pattern are dimensions, and dimension groups are given, then dimension occurrence stats are generated.

YAML Version:

- name: dimension_counter
  type: log_to_metric
  pattern: HTTP/1.1" (?P<status_code>\d{3})
  interval: 1m0s
  skip_empty_intervals: false
  only_report_nonzeros: false
  metric_name: dimension_counter
  - count
  - dimensions:
    - status_code

Input logs: - - [12/Apr/2023:15:31:23 +0000] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 4523 - - [12/Apr/2023:15:32:41 +0000] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 401 1293 - - [12/Apr/2023:15:33:09 +0000] "GET /does-not-exist HTTP/1.1" 404 523 - - [12/Apr/2023:15:34:46 +0000] "GET /server-error HTTP/1.1" 500 642 - - [12/Apr/2023:15:35:22 +0000] "GET /contact HTTP/1.1" 200 2312

Output This is one of the output metrics in the node test pane.

  "_type": "metric"
  "attributes": {
    "status_code": "500"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 1
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "dimension_counter.count"
  "resource": {
    "ed.conf.id": "87654321-1321-69874-9456-s5123456h7"
    "ed.org.id": "12345678-1s2d-6f5d4-9632-s5d3f6g9h7"
    "ed.tag": "ed_parallel"
    "host.ip": ""
    "host.name": "ED_TEST"
    "src_type": ""
  "start_timestamp": 1707743964047
  "timestamp": 1707744024047
  "unit": "1"
  "_stat_type": "count"

View dimensions in the Metric Explorer

To view the metric with its dimensions in the Metrics Explorer:

  1. Create a custom facet:
  1. Configure the custom facet using the CSL for the attribute: @status_code. In this example it is set in the Custom group.
  1. Enter the metric name in the search bar, in this example, dimension_counter.count:
  1. Select Group By @status_code.

Dimension Numeric Capture

If both dimension and numeric captures are defined in the regex pattern and also in one of the dimension groups, then numeric stats per dimension and per numeric value are generated.

Example 1

This configuration extracts the HTTP method (e.g., GET, PUT, POST) and the associated latency every minute. It reports the average latency, classified by the method. This could be useful for monitoring and alerting on the performance characteristics of different types of HTTP requests being processed by a system.

YAML Version:

- name: latency_per_method
  type: log_to_metric
  pattern: method:(?P<method>\w+).+latency:(?P<latency>\d+)ms
  interval: 1m0s
  skip_empty_intervals: false
  only_report_nonzeros: false
  metric_name: method
  - avg
  - dimensions:
    - method
    numeric_dimension: latency
  • pattern: This is a regular expression used to match and capture specific parts of the log data. In this case, the pattern is looking for the string “method:” followed by one or more word characters (\w+), which are captured as the group named method, and the string “latency:” followed by one or more digits (\d+), which are captured as the group named latency. The ms at the end indicates that the latency is measured in milliseconds and it closes the pattern.
  • interval: This indicates the frequency at which metrics are gathered from the logs. Here, it’s set to one minute.
  • skip_empty_intervals: When set to false, this means that the system will report intervals even if no matching log entries are found. If this were true, intervals with no data would be skipped.
  • only_report_nonzeros: When set to false, the system will report metrics even if they are zero. If this were true, it would only report if values were above zero.
  • metric_name: This is the base name for the metrics generated from this configuration.
  • enabled_stats: This is a list of statistical functions to run on the numeric data extracted from the logs. In this case, only the average avg is being calculated.
  • dimension_groups:
    • dimensions: These are the attributes that will be used to categorize the metric data. Here, the dimension is based on the method captured by the regex pattern.
    • numeric_dimension: This is the numeric value that will be tracked across dimensions. In this configuration, the numeric capture for latency is being used.

Input logs:

Suppose following logs are fed into the pipeline:

2024-05-07T14:41:38.597Z FATAL middleware/authz.go:383 node10 request failed spec:{uri:/v1/orgs/365399e9-c2b2-48bd-85a4-355b9465ee34/confs/- method:PUT user:user340 ip: platform:web} latency:748ms
2024-05-07T14:42:08.282Z FATAL middleware/authz.go:383 node10 request failed spec:{uri:/v1/orgs/7bcbf017-6cc9-4473-bbd0-93ccd7881bb9/confs/- method:GET user:user151 ip: platform:web} latency:1908ms
2024-05-07T14:42:11.078Z WARN middleware/authz.go:383 node10 request failed spec:{uri:/v1/orgs/5a28fc07-88cd-4bb5-a3e5-0e3b00cb7a39/confs/- method:POST user:user907 ip: platform:web} latency:232ms
2024-05-07T14:42:24.537Z DEBUG middleware/authz.go:383 node10 request successful spec:{uri:/v1/orgs/0847b316-a525-4766-9dba-25ea69825e57/confs/- method:GET user:user304 ip: platform:mobile_app} latency:371ms


This is one of the output metrics in the node test pane.

  "_type": "metric"
  "attributes": {
    "method": "PUT"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 748
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "method_latency.avg"
  "resource": {    }
  "start_timestamp": 1715093736814
  "timestamp": 1715093796814
  "unit": "1"
  "_stat_type": "avg"

View dimensions in the Metric Explorer

To view the metric with its dimensions in the Metrics Explorer:

  1. Create a custom facet:
  1. Configure the custom facet using the CSL for the attribute: @method. In this example it is set in the Custom group.
  1. Enter the metric name in the search bar, in this example, method_latency.avg:
  1. Select Group By @method.

Field Path Capture

The log to metric node can be configured to extract metrics from dimensions that you specify with a field path. When you generate metrics from dimensions you use a catch-all pattern .*. This evaluates all logs for the dimension (a field) and generates metrics based on that field’s parameters.

For example, you can generate a count of the severity field as a dimension with a catch all pattern: .*. .

pattern: .*
- field_dimensions:
  - item["severity_text"]

This will create metrics that count each severity level your logs generate for the interval.

Note: You can specify a capture group dimension and field path dimensions, but you can only specify one numeric dimension: either using a capture group or by using the field_numeric_dimension.


In this example a catch-all pattern is used and a dimension field is defined with a CEL macro pointing to a JSON item in the body. For each dimension within that single dimension group, a numeric dimension is captured.

YAML Version:

- name: field_path_dimensions
  type: log_to_metric
  pattern: .*
  interval: 1m0s
  skip_empty_intervals: false
  only_report_nonzeros: false
  - field_dimensions:
    - json(item["body"]).service
    field_numeric_dimension: json(item["body"]).details.response_time_ms

Input logs:

Suppose following logs are fed into the pipeline:

{"timestamp": "2024-12-27T14:53:41Z", "level": "info", "service": "webserver_node18", "details": {"status_code": 200, "response_time_ms": 150, "user": {"id": "U12345", "name": "Raptor5166"}, "session": {"id": "S98765", "cart_items": 3}}}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-27T14:54:15Z", "level": "error", "service": "database_node18", "details": {"status_code": 500, "query_time_ms": 3000, "user": {"id": "Q54321", "name": "dbsys"}, "error": {"code": "DB_TIMEOUT", "message": "Query execution timed out"}}}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-27T14:55:05Z", "level": "info", "service": "authentication_node18", "details": {"status_code": 200, "auth_time_ms": 50, "user": {"id": "U67890", "name": "Condor4"}, "auth": {"method": "OAuth2"}}}
{"timestamp": "2024-12-27T14:56:30Z", "level": "warn", "service": "webserver_node18", "details": {"status_code": 404, "response_time_ms": 25, "user": {"id": "U33456", "name": "owl_a1"}, "request": {"method": "GET", "resource": "/missing-page"}}}


One of the metrics outputs, visible in the node test pane, would be as follows:

  "_type": "metric"
  "attributes": {
    "dg_0_dim_0": "webserver_node18"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 87.5
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "field_path_dimensions_dg_0_num_dim.avg"
  "resource": {    }
  "start_timestamp": 1708422058420
  "timestamp": 1708422118420
  "unit": "1"
  "_stat_type": "avg"

Note: A name for the json(item["body"]).service field was not specified in the Golang regex pattern using a named capture group so a default field name is generated. Similarly. a name for the metric was not specified in the configuration so a default name was generated.

View dimensions in the Metric Explorer

To view the metric with its dimensions in the Metrics Explorer:

  1. Create a custom facet:
  1. Configure the custom facet using the CSL for the attribute: @dg_0_dim_0. In this example it is set in the Custom group and you can give it a friendly name.
  1. Enter the metric name in the search bar, in this example, field_path_dimensions_dg_0_num_dim.avg.
  1. Select Group By Custom | Service Name.

View dimensions in Grafana

Metrics can be viewed using a third party metrics integration. For example, consider the preceding Dimension Counter example. To output to Grafana, you configure a Prometheus Exporter destination node with a label configured to pull its value from the status_code attribute, using the attribute’s field path:

- name: prometheus_exporter_output
  type: prometheus_exporter_output
  port: 8087
  - name: platform_label
    path: item["attributes"]["status_code"]

The Prometheus Exporter destination creates a metric as follows:

edgedelta_dimension_counter_count{container="edgedelta-agent", endpoint="prom", instance="", job="edgedelta-metrics", namespace="edgedelta", pod="edgedelta-8pgqc", service="edgedelta-metrics", status_code_label="401"}

Note the addition of the final field called status_code_label that contains the status_code attribute’s value.

The output in Grafana can then be viewed with these queries:


and so forth for 404, 500 and 200.

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the YAML using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a YAML list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: log_to_metric

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


The pattern parameter is used to match log items in the body field. It is specified as a Golang regex expression and it can include a capture group. If one or more dimension groups are defined, there should be at least one capture group definition. A pattern is required. See Regex Testing for details on writing effective regex patterns.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>    

Optional Parameters


The anomaly_coefficient parameter is used to amplify calculated anomaly scores between 0 and 100. The higher the coefficient the higher the anomaly score will be. It is specified as a float, the default is 10 and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    anomaly_coefficient: 20


The anomaly_confidence_period parameter is used to configure a duration for which to ignore anomalies after discovering a source. This reduces anomaly noise by enabling a baseline. It is specified as duration, the default is 30m and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    anomaly_confidence_period: 40m


The anomaly_tolerance parameter is used for handling edge cases for anomaly scores where standard deviation is too small. The default value is 0.01 and it is optional.

  - name: <node name> 
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    anomaly_tolerance: 0.02


The dimension_groups parameter is used to group attributes for metrics. There can be one or more dimension groups. It is specified with child dimensions elements. It is optional. The dimensions parameter specifies the names from capture groups that will be used in the metric name or attribute.

It can take a number of options that apply only to that dimension:

  • custom_suffix A suffix to append to the metric name.
  • numeric_dimension The metric value won’t be accepted as 1.0 but rather the value captured from the given dimension
  • enabled_stats Statistics to be reported. Valid options are: count, sum, avg, min, max, p25, p75, p95, p99, stddev, anomaly1, anomaly2, anomalymin. The anomalymin option takes min of anomaly1 and anomaly2. This is useful to reduce the alert noise.
  • histogram_limit The maximum number of histograms per reporter.
  • interval Interval to report metrics. Default value is 1m.
  • retention Retention for storing reported metrics to calculate anomaly scores. Default value is 3h.
  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    - dimensions: ["service"]
      numeric_dimension: "duration"
      custom_suffix: "by_duration"

In addition, there are some YAML only parameters for dimension_groups:

  • anomaly_confidence_period Period for anomaly scores to be not reported. Default value is 30m.
  • anomaly_tolerance Handles edge cases for anomaly scores where standard deviation is too small. Default value is 0.01.
  • anomaly_coefficient Coefficient to amplify calculated anomaly scores between [0, 100] range. Default value is 10.
  • skip_empty_intervals When set to true, intervals with no data are skipped. Default is false.
  • only_report_nonzeros When set to true, only non-zero statistics are reported. Default is false.
  • value_adjustment_rule Contains a mathematical expression to adjust the numeric dimension value.


The enabled_stats parameter specifies the statistics that should be reported. It is specified as a list of strings and is optional. Valid options are:

  • count - the number of instances matched.
  • sum - the sum of matched values.
  • avg - the average (mean) matching value.
  • min - the smallest matching value.
  • max - the largest matching value.
  • p25 - count of values in the 25th percentile.
  • p75 - count of values in the 75th percentile.
  • p95 - count of values in the 95th percentile.
  • p99 - count of values in the 99th percentile.
  • stddev - the standard deviation.
  • anomaly1 - the proprietary Edge Delta anomaly score 1.
  • anomaly2 - the proprietary Edge Delta anomaly score 2.
  • anomalymin - the min of anomaly1 and anomaly2. This is useful to reduce the alert noise.

The count, anomaly1 and anomaly2 metrics are generated for occurrence captures. Whereas count, min, max, avg, anomaly1 and anomaly2 metrics are generated for numeric captures.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    - <statistic type>
    - <statistic type>


The field_dimensions parameter points to string fields within your payloadDimensions using CEL expressions or bracket notation, such as item[\"attributes\"][\"dimension\"]. This field is useful when working with parsed JSON data. The field_dimensions parameter can be defined alongside the dimensions that come from capture groups in the Golang regex pattern.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    - dimensions:
      - <capture group name>
      - item["resource"]["field.name"]
      field_numeric_dimension: json(item["body"]).details.field


The field_numeric_dimension parameter defines a numeric field within your payload using a CEL expression or bracket notation, such as item[\"attributes\"][\"numeric_dimension\"]. This field is useful when working with parsed JSON data. You can specify either a numeric dimension or a field numeric dimension, not both.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    - dimensions:
      - <capture group name>
      - item["resource"]["field.name"]
      field_numeric_dimension: json(item["body"]).details.field


The group_by parameter defines how to aggregate log items based on their properties. Each entry should be an expression (CEL or Go template). When group_by is not set, metrics are grouped by their source. It is specified as a list and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
      - "item._ed.file_path"


The interval parameter specifies the reporting interval for the statistics that the node will generate. It will collect values for the duration of the interval before calculating metrics such as the average. It is specified as a duration and the default is 1 minute. It is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    interval: 2m


The metric_name parameter specifies a custom name for the generated metric. It is specified as a string and the default, if not specified, is to use the node name. It is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    metric_name: <custom name>


The only_report_nonzeros parameter configures whether to include statistics that are zero in calculations. It is specified as Boolean, the default is true and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    only_report_nonzeros: false  


The retention parameter specifies how far back to look to generate anomaly scores. A short retention period will be more sensitive to spikes in metric values. It is specified as a duration and the default is 3 hours. It is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    retention: <duration>


The skip_empty_intervals parameter skips intervals so the anomaly scores are calculated based on history of only non-zero intervals. It is specified with a Boolean, the default value is false and it is optional.

  - name: <node name> 
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: <regex pattern>
    skip_empty_intervals: true


Value adjustment rules define how to modify the value of any numeric capture group as it’s generated. You specify the numeric_dimension capture group to define the value variable, then you provide a mathematical expression that uses the value variable.

  - name: log_to_metric
    type: log_to_metric
    pattern: 'error|ERROR|err|ERR service: (?P<service>\w+) duration: (?P<duration>\d+)ms'
      - numeric_dimension: duration
        expression: "value + 200.0"

See Also

Create Metrics from Logs