How to use Edge Delta (Advanced)

Advanced How To.

This section describes advanced use cases for Edge Delta.

Create an Edge Delta Test Bench

Creates a test bench to experiment with different pipeline configurations.

Configure Edge Delta with ConfigMaps

Configure Fleets using ConfigMaps.

Deploy Edge Delta in Multi-Region Kubernetes Environments

Setting Up Edge Delta for Multi-Cluster and Multi-Region Kubernetes Environments.

Deploy Edge Delta with GitOps Principles

Install Edge Delta declaratively using continuous deployment, locally hosted configurations, managed secrets, and a privately hosted container image.

Deploy Private Edge Delta Dashboards

Setting Up Edge Delta Dashboards in the Workplace.

Use Your AI with Edge Delta

Integrate Edge Delta with your own AI service.

Send Logs from Edge Delta to Azure Log Analytics

How to configure Azure when sending logs from Edge Delta to Azure Log Analytics.

Send Logs from Edge Delta to Microsoft Sentinel

How to configure Azure when sending logs from Edge Delta to Microsoft Sentinel.