Edge Delta on Docker
2 minute read
The Edge Delta Fleet can be installed using Docker. You can either run the Edge Delta image stored in the Edge Delta public repository with default settings or you can use a local configuration file. The Edge Delta Fleet is installed as a container, and it analyses logs and metrics from other containers on the host before streaming them to the configured destinations.
Create an Edge Delta Fleet Configuration
Select the Docker template option in the following steps:
- Click Pipelines.
- Click New Fleet.
- Select Edge Fleet.
- Optionally, expand Advanced Fleet Configuration and select a pipeline with a configuration you want to duplicate.
- Click Continue.
- Select the appropriate template and click Continue.
- Specify a name to identify the Fleet.
- Click Generate Config.
- Execute the installation commands, they include the unique ID for the Fleet.
- Expand the namespaces and select the input sources you want to monitor.
- Select the Destination Outputs you want to send processed data to, such as the Edge Delta Observability Platform.
- Click Continue.
- Click View Dashboard.
This onscreen command creates a container named Edge Delta, passes in the Pipeline ID required to connect your Fleet to your Edge Delta account on the web app, and installs the latest image located on the Edge Delta public repository. The following example shows the command in the instructions but with an example key 123456789.
docker run --rm -d --name edgedelta -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -e "ED_API_KEY=123456789" gcr.io/edgedelta/agent:latest
Alternatively, you can visit gcr.io/edgedelta/agent and choose a specific Fleet version.
Installing with Custom Settings
Using a Local Configuration File
If you have a local config.yaml file for the Fleet on the host, you can specify that file by adding the following parameter to the docker run command provided by the web app. In this example, you replace $PWD/config.yml
with the absolute path of the local configuration file
-v $PWD/config.yml:/edgedelta/config.yml \
Specifying Resource Limits
The Edge Delta Fleet is a very lightweight resource. Nevertheless, you can limit the CPU or memory resources that the Edge Delta container consumes by adding the following parameter to the docker run command provided by the web app.
--cpus=".25" --memory="256m" \
In this instance the Edge Delta container is limited to one quarter of one CPU and a maximum of 256MB of RAM.
See here for other docker resource constraints that can be set.