Metric Based Monitoring with Edge Delta

Observe trends and use data for automated alerting or further analysis by translating logs into metrics.


Metric-Based Monitoring refines raw log data into quantifiable metrics. This enables you to discern trends, set up automated alerts, and perform in-depth analysis with higher efficiency.

Streamlined Data Analysis

Raw log files are often verbose and can be challenging to analyze due to their unstructured nature. Converting log data into metrics simplifies this data, making it easier to track and analyze. Metrics are structured and quantifiable, making them much more accessible for automated systems to process and for humans to interpret. Metrics derived from logs facilitate trend analysis over time. Unlike individual log entries which provide point-in-time data, metrics can be aggregated over intervals (such as minute, hour, day) to visualize trends and patterns. This aids in identifying normal operational baselines and variances that indicate issues.

Enhanced Alerting

Metric-Based Monitoring allows for the implementation of sophisticated alerting mechanisms. Unlike static log analysis, which might generate alerts for every encountered error, metrics can be utilized to configure alerts based on thresholds, anomaly detection, or deviations from normal patterns. This reduces noise and ensures alerts are both actionable and relevant. Metric-Based Monitoring allows for the implementation of sophisticated alerting mechanisms. Unlike static log analysis, which might generate alerts for every encountered error, metrics can be utilized to configure alerts based on thresholds, anomaly detection, or deviations from normal patterns. This reduces noise and ensures alerts are both actionable and relevant.

Resource Optimization

Tracking resource usage metrics like CPU, memory, and disk IO helps in managing server capacity, optimizing resource allocation, and planning for scalability. By observing resource metrics, organizations can make informed decisions to scale up or down based on actual demand. In dynamic cloud environments, metric-based monitoring is critical for auto-scaling. Infrastructure can automatically add or remove resources based on specific metrics, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency. In high-volume or high-velocity environments, sifting through logs to extract actionable insights is impractical. Translating logs into metrics means that systems can handle and monitor massive amounts of data effectively, making the practice invaluable in big data contexts.

Empowering Machine Learning and AI

Metrics provide clean, structured data that can feed into machine learning models for predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and intelligent automation. See Anomaly Detection

Effective Metrics

To effectuate Metric-Based Monitoring successfully:

  • Choose metrics that are aligned with business goals and service level indicators (SLIs).
  • Establish consistent naming conventions and tagging strategies for metrics to enable effective aggregation and querying.
  • Determine appropriate intervals for metric aggregation that provide a balance between real-time insightfulness and manageable data granularity.
  • Utilize monitoring and analytic platforms that support visualizations, dashboards, and automated alerting based on the created metrics.

Logs to Metrics

Create Metrics from Logs

Metric Thresholds

