Edge Delta TCP Input

Consume TCP log traffic.


This input type specifies a set of ports for the agent to listen on for incoming TCP traffic.

Note: Customers with HTTP Input, TCP Input or UDP Input nodes should not use or update to Agent version v0.1.97.

  • outgoing_data_types: log

Example Configuration

  - name: my_tcp_input
    type: tcp_input
    port: 2511
    read_timeout: 10s

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the yaml using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a yaml list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: tcp_input

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


Enter the port number that the tcp_input type node should listen on. It is specified as an integer and is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>

Optional Parameters


The listen parameter is used to specify the address to listen to for incoming traffic. It is specified as a string and it is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
    listen: <host>


The read_size parameter is used to specify the number of lines to read from the incoming data. It is specified as an integer with a default of 1 and it is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
    read_size: 5


The read_timeout parameter is used to specify how long to wait for incoming data. Default value is 0 which means no time out. It is specified as a duration and it is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
    read_timeout: 10s


The tls parameter is a dictionary type that enables a number of options to be set using sub-parameters.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      <tls options>: 

ca_file The ca_file parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the CA certificate file. It is specified as a string and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      ca_file: /certs/ca.pem    

ca_path The ca_path parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the location of the CA certificate files. It is specified as a string and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      ca_path: /var/etc/kafka    

client_auth_type The client_auth_type parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the authentication type to use for the connection. It is specified as a string from a closed list and is optional.

The following authentication methods are available:

  • noclientcert indicates that no client certificate should be requested during the handshake, and if any certificates are sent they will not be verified.
  • requestclientcert indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the handshake, but does not require that the client send any certificates.
  • requireanyclientcert indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the handshake, and that at least one certificate is required from the client, but that certificate is not required to be valid.
  • verifyclientcertifgiven indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the handshake, but does not require that the client sends a certificate. If the client does send a certificate it is required to be valid.
  • requireandverifyclientcert indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the handshake, and that at least one valid certificate is required to be sent by the client
  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      client_auth_type: <auth type>

crt_file The crt_file parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the certificate file. It is specified as a string and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      crt_file: /certs/server-cert.pem   

ignore_certificate_check The ignore_certificate_check parameter is a child of the tls parameter. When set to true, it ignores certificate checks for the remote endpoint. It is specified as a Boolean value and the default is false, indicating that TLS verification will be performed. This is an optional parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      ignore_certificate_check: true

key_file The key_file parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the key file. It is specified as a string and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      key_file: /certs/server-key.pem

key_password The key_password parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the key password. When the private key_file location is provided, this file can also be provided to get the password of the private key. It is specified as a string and is optional.

  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      key_password: <password>

max_version The max_version parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the maximum version of TLS to accept. It is specified as a string and is optional.

You can select one of the following options:

  • TLSv1_0
  • TLSv1_1
  • TLSv1_2
  • TLSv1_3
  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      max_version: <TLS version>

min_version The min_version parameter is a child of the tls parameter. It specifies the minimum version of TLS to accept. It is specified as a string and is optional. The default is TLSv1_2.

You can select one of the following options:

  • TLSv1_0
  • TLSv1_1
  • TLSv1_2
  • TLSv1_3
  - name: <node name>
    type: tcp_input
    port: <port number>
      min_version: <TLS version>

Testing an Endpoint

The following command can be used to test the input:

echo "my log" | nc <host> <port>