
Pass logs to a specific path.


The Route node evaluates conditions and directs logs to specific paths depending on whether a log meets the condition. This allows the segmentation of pipelines depending on its content or other attributes. For instance, it can be used to route logs containing specific errors to specific processing nodes or to direct logs from a particular Kubernetes namespace to another node for specialized handling. Logs that don’t match a any of the path patterns are routed to the unmatched path.

Conceptually, a Route node with only one path and no links to its unmatched path functions as a Regex Filter node. The benefit of a Route node is the ability to process multiple matching criteria for distinct node outputs, as well as the ability to handle unmatched logs for further processing on another output path. A Route node can evaluate logs based on CEL macros, not just regex, and it can evaluate all logs fields while a Regex Filter only evaluates the log body field.

The routing is configured either using Pipeline Builder or by defining path parameters in the links section of the YAML.

For a detailed walkthrough, see the Route Logs in a Branched Pipeline page.

Example Configuration 1

- name: route
  type: route
  - path: log_to_patterns
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node1")
  - path: regex_filter
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node2")
  - path: log transform
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node4")
  - path: extract json
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node5")
  - path: mask
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node6")
  - path: log to metric
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "node7")    

- from: route
  path: log_to_patterns
  to: log_to_patterns
- from: route
  path: regex_filter
  to: regex_filter_test
- from: route
  path: log transform
  to: log_transform_test
- from: route
  path: extract json
  to: extract_json_test
- from: route
  path: mask
  to: mask_test
- from: route
  path: log to metric
  to: log_to_metric_test
- from: route
  path: unmatched
  to: route fails    

Suppose these two logs were sent to a pipeline with this route configuration:

    "timestamp": "2023-04-23T12:34:56.789Z",
    "logLevel": "ERROR",
    "serviceName": "AuthService",
    "nodeId": "node6",
    "message": "Login failed",
    "clientIP": "",
    "username": "user123",
    "event": "login_attempt",
    "outcome": "failure"
    "timestamp": "2023-04-23T12:34:56.789Z",
    "logLevel": "ERROR",
    "serviceName": "AuthService",
    "nodeId": "node4",
    "message": "Login failed",
    "clientIP": "",
    "username": "user123",
    "event": "login_attempt",
    "outcome": "failure"

The first node would match on node6 and be routed to the Mask path while the second log would match on node4 and be routed to the log transform path.

Tip: You can use this condition to identify base64 encoded logs that need to be routed to a base64_decode node:

  - path: base64
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+(?:={2}|={1})?$")

Example Configuration 2

- name: item_router
  type: route
  - path: "pre-splunk"
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "(?i)ERROR") 
  - path: "ns=edgedelta"
    condition: item["resource"][""] == "edgedelta"

- from: source_node
  to: item_router
- from: item_router
  path: pre-splunk
  to: next_node1
- from: item_router
  path: ns=edgedelta
  to: next_node2    
- from: route
  path: unmatched
  to: other_output  

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the yaml using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a yaml list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: route

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


The paths parameter defines the paths and their expressions for matching logs. At least one path is required.

  • path is the name of the sub-path. This name is referenced with the path parameter in the links section
  • condition is a condition to evaluate if the log item should be sent to this path. The format is Common Expression Language (CEL) and you can use CEL macros.
- name: <node name>
  type: route
  - path: "pre_elastic"
    condition: regex_match(item["body"], "(?i)ERROR") 
  - path: "ns=edgedelta"
    condition: item["resource"][""] == "edgedelta"

Optional parameters


The exit_if_matched parameter stops evaluation of further paths if a log matches the parent path. It is specified as a Boolean and the default is false. It is optional.

- name: <node name>
  type: route
  - path: "<path name>"
    condition: <matching condition expression> 
    exit_if_matched: true
  - path: "<path name>"
    condition: <matching condition expression>   

See Also

Route Logs in a Branched Pipeline