Edge Delta Environment Variables

Environment Variables for Edge Delta Fleets.

Frequently Used Environment Variables

The following environment variable parameters can be passed when you install and deploy the Edge Delta Fleet.


Identifies and authorizes access to your Fleet’s Pipeline configuration in the Edge Delta back end.


Specifies the duration after which logs are flushed and sent to the configured archiving destination. The default value is 30m.


By default, the agent fetches the host name using the operating system’s built-in methods:

  • macOS: The agent calls os.HostName(), which retrieves the host name from kern.hostname.
  • Linux: The agent calls os.HostName(), which retrieves the host name from /proc/sys/kernel/hostname.
  • Windows: The agent calls ComputerNameEx system call, which retrieves the hostname from the kernel.

You can configure a custom name with the ED_HOST_OVERRIDE variable. This is useful to help identify agents.

export ED_HOST_OVERRIDE="custom-hostname"

Alternatively you can change the host name:

  • macOS: sudo scutil --set HostName "new-hostname"
  • linux: sudo hostname new-hostname

Note: This command changes the hostname temporarily. To make it permanent, additional steps, such as editing the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files, may be required, depending on the Linux distribution.

  • windows (PowerShell): Rename-Computer -NewName "new-hostname"; Restart-Computer


Specifies a tag that is different to the one configured in the Web App. Use this option to deploy two fleets with the same Pipeline configuration.


Uses proxy details to route the Fleet’s outbound traffic through an HTTP internal proxy.


Uses proxy details to route the Fleet’s outbound traffic through an HTTPS internal proxy.


Disables the proxy for requests that hit a specific destination.


Defines the resource.service.name field in Edge Delta OTEL messages.


Uses a port number to expose agent metrics storage.