Edge Delta Terraform Provider

Terraform Provider for the Edge Delta Fleet.

Edge Delta has a Terraform provider for managing Edge Delta Fleets.


  • Terraform >= 0.13.0
  • terraform-provider-edgedelta plugin >= 0.0.6

Installing the Provider

To install the Edge Delta provider, add this code to the Terraform configuration:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    edgedelta = {
      source = "edgedelta/edgedelta"
      version = "0.0.6"

provider "edgedelta" {
  # Configuration options

Configuration Options

API secret and Organization ID

You must include the Edge Delta Pipeline ID and your Edge Delta Organization ID in the configuration. You should use Terraform variables to pass the token value for the API secret in. Your Organization ID is less sensitive. In the following example the Pipeline ID 123456789 is exported as a variable called TF_VAR_ED_API_TOKEN and the Organization ID 987654321 is specified in the provider block.

export TF_VAR_ED_API_TOKEN="123456789"
terraform {
  required_providers {
    edgedelta = {
      source  = "edgedelta/edgedelta"
      version = "0.0.6"

variable "ED_API_TOKEN" {
  type = string

provider "edgedelta" {
  org_id             = "987654321"
  api_secret         = var.ED_API_TOKEN

To install the provider, update the Terraform configuration with the Edge Delta provider and run terraform init.

Configuration File and Monitor Options

You can define your configurations with or without specifying a configuration ID or a monitor ID. For more information about configuration files see the Edge Delta Provider Config resources section. For more information about monitors see the Monitors resource section.