Edge Delta Datadog Output

Send logs to Datadog.


The Datadog Output Node send items to a Datadog destination. It sends raw bytes that are generated via marshaling items as JSON. The items will be distributed into “log”, “event” and “metric” hosts based on the item type.

Configure Datadog

Create Measure Facets

You need to create Measures for sentiment_score and pattern_count for the pattern analysis panels. To create a facet:

  1. Search for @sentiment_score:* to find all negative events.
  2. Click any event, in the JSON section.
  3. Click sentiment_score and select Create Measure for @sentiment_score.
  4. Repeat the process for pattern_count.

See Measure Facets on the Datadog docs website. Alternatively, you can create processors to convert the sentiment_score and pattern_count fields from strings to integers.

If you add the include_pattern_info_in_samples: true parameter to the cluster processor, it will replace all the cluster_samples with patterns. You will need to also turn off the cluster pattern feature and turn on the cluster_sample feature. If you add the include_pattern_info_in_samples: true parameter you can skip the following steps: Create a Pipeline and Add a Grok Parser.

Create a Pipeline

Create a pipeline for @pattern_count.

  1. Click log - configuration.
  2. Add a new pipeline with filter @pattern_count:* to search patterns.
  3. Name the pipeline pattern.

See Create a pipeline on the Datadog docs website.

Add a Grok Parser

Add a Grok Parser processor with the following rule:

autoFilledRule1 %{regex(".*"):pattern}.*

Add a processor with the following attributes:

  • type: Grok Parser
  • log sample: * test
  • parsing rule: autoFilledRule1 %{regex(".*"):pattern}.*

In a log search, select edgedelta_datatype:cluster_pattern then click on a pattern. View the pattern event attribute, and click pattern - add as a facet.

See Add a Grok Parser on the Datadog docs website.

Configure the Edge Delta Agent

Finally, you configure the Datadog output node using Visual Pipelines or the agent YAML configuration file. You can select an Existing Datadog Integration when creating a Datadog Output node. See the Datadog docs for the endpoints.

You can consider adding a key-value pair to the Datadog integration to send an identifiable attribute such as integration_name: edgedelta. This helps to to easily identify and isolate Edge Delta data so that you can create facets.

Example Configuration

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    features: log
    api_key: <key>

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the yaml using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a yaml list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: datadog_output

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


The api_key parameter provides the auth key for accessing the Datadog API. It is specified as a string and it is required. It can reference an environment variable for example: api_key: '{{ Env "KEY_ID" }}'

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>

Optional Parameters


The alert_as_log parameter specifies whether to change the ingestion destination from event to log for alert items. It is specified as a Boolean, with a default of false and it is optional.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    alert_as_log: true


The buffer_max_bytesize parameter configures the maximum byte size for total unsuccessful items. If the limit is reached, the remaining items are discarded until the buffer space becomes available. It is specified as a datasize.Size, has a default of 0 indicating no size limit, and it is optional.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    buffer_max_bytesize: 2048


The buffer_path parameter configures the path to store unsuccessful items. Unsuccessful items are stored there to be retried back (exactly once delivery). It is specified as a string and it is optional.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    buffer_path: <path to unsuccessful items folder>


The buffer_ttl parameter configures the time-to-Live for unsuccessful items, which indicates when to discard them. It is specified as a duration, has a default of 10m, and it is optional.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    buffer_ttl: 20m


The event_host parameter is the hostname for sending event-typed items to Datadog. It is specified as a string, with a default of api.datadoghq.com and it is optional. See the Datadog docs for the supported endpoints.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    event_host: <host address>


The features parameter defines which data types to stream to the destination. It is specified as a string of comma-separated list of item types. The default is metric,edac,cluster. It is optional.

Feature Type Supported?
Log Yes
Metrics Yes
Alert as event Yes
Alert as log Yes
Health No
Dimensions as attribute Yes
Send as is No
Send as JSON No
Custom tags Yes
EDAC enrichment No
Message template No
outgoing_bytes.sum Yes
outgoing__raw_bytes.sum cell
outgoing_lines.count Yes
output buffering to disk Yes
  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    features: <item type>,<item type>


The log_host parameter is the hostname for sending log-typed items to Datadog. It is specified as a string, with a default of http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com and it is optional. See the Datadog docs for the supported endpoints.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    log_host: <host address>


The metric_host parameter is the hostname for sending metric-typed items to Datadog. It is specified as a string, with a default of api.datadoghq.com and it is optional. See the Datadog docs for the supported endpoints.

  - name: my_datadog
    type: datadog_output
    api_key: <key>
    metric_host: <host address>