Log Threshold Monitor

Monitor Log Thresholds in the Edge Delta web application.

Create a Log Threshold Monitor

To create a Log Threshold monitor,

  1. Click Monitors and select the Manage tab.
  1. Click + New Monitor and select Log Threshold.

Configure Log Threshold Monitor

The Log Threshold Monitor evaluates the log count across all agents in the Fleet. In this example the count is grouped by namespace, a single agent is being monitored and both warning and alert thresholds have been set.

Monitor Scope

  • Source: Use autocomplete to select the sources you want to monitor. For example you can specify a number of agent tags. If you leave this blank all sources will be monitored.
  • Group by: You can group the monitored item by dimensions such as the agent tag, host, namespace etc. This option is required if you want to split notifications by group such as namespace.

Evaluation Details

The Evaluation Details options evaluate the source data to determine a value.

  • Aggregation: The function applied to the data to determine a value for evaluation against the thresholds.
  • Evaluation Window: The duration at which to apply the Evaluation Details - Aggregation function.

Alert Conditions

Configure the thresholds that the monitored item should be evaluated against in this section. You can select a warning and an alert thresholds. As you add the thresholds they are displayed in the graph relative to the current source’s values. You can choose to trigger when the evaluated value is Above, Above or equal to, Below or Below or equal to the thresholds.


See Monitor Notifications

To use source fields in the notification you must specify them in the Group By field in the Monitor Scope section and in the Group notifications by field in the Notifications section.