Manage Edge Delta Dashboards

Manage Dashboards in the Edge Delta web application.


You can create and manage your own dashboards in Edge Delta. There are dashboards already configured for you and you can design your own.

Default Dashboards

Click Dashboards and select the Manage tab to view the default dashboards.

Observability Posture

The Observability Posture dashboard looks back 1 hour by default.

  • Alerts from Log Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:log_threshold data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a log monitor.
  • Alerts from Metric Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:metric_threshold data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a log monitor.
  • Alerts From Pattern Anomaly Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:pattern_anomaly data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a Pattern monitor.
  • Fleet is a variable that you can select to filter the following widgets by fleet. The Alerts from Monitors widgets are not affected by this selection.
  • Erroneous Logs by Host shows a graph of the count of logs containing the word error, grouped by host for the selected fleet.
  • Negative Patterns by Host shows the pattern graph for the selected fleet, grouped by host.
  • Erroneous Logs shows the table of logs containing the word error for the look back period. You can also adjust the look back period for this widget independently.

Top Talkers

This dashboard provides comprehensive visibility into traffic patterns, identifying main data “talkers” whether by byte volume or lines of communication.

  • Top Talkers by Fleet (Volume) displays a breakdown of total incoming traffic volume (incoming_bytes.sum) by fleet.
  • Top Talkers by Deployment visualizes the sum of incoming traffic (incoming_bytes.sum) grouped by over time.
  • Top Talkers by Namespace showcases the sum of incoming traffic (incoming_bytes.sum) grouped by, providing insights into which namespaces have the most traffic.
  • Top Talkers by Host displays the incoming_bytes.sum metric as a time series grouped by, identifying key hosts with significant traffic.
  • Top Talkers by Fleet (Lines) illustrates the distribution of outgoing communication lines count (the outgoing_lines.count metric) grouped by fleet (ed.tag), offering a volume perspective.

Agent Health Metrics

The Agent Health Metrics dashboard provides insights into agent resource utilization metrics across hosts.

  • Fleet is a variable to filter the visualizations by fleet.
  • Average CPU Usage displays the average CPU system usage (the cpu_system_avg.value metric) grouped by for each host within the selected fleet, giving an overview of processing load over time.
  • Maximum Memory Used shows the peak memory consumption per host (the maximum of memory_used.value over a 5 minute rollup window grouped by, helping identify hosts that might be constrained by memory usage.
  • Average Disk Read Bytes illustrates the rate of disk read operations over time for hosts within the chosen fleet, indicating I/O read intensity. It is configured as the average disk_read_bytes.value metric over a 5 minute rollup window and grouped by
  • Average Disk Write Bytes presents the rate of disk write operations, highlighting I/O write utilization across the hosts in the selected fleet. It is configured as the average disk_write_bytes.value metric over a 5 minute rollup window and grouped by

Full Screen Mode

Click Enter Fullscreen to view the live dashboard in full-screen mode.

Create a Dashboard

Click New Dashboard to create a dashboard. To start, you can specify a name, tags and a description for your dashboard.

Work with Variables and Widgets

You build a dashboard using Widgets and Variables. Widgets are the dashboard elements that show data, while variables are selectable options on the dashboard, which the widgets respond to. For example, this simple dashboard has a widget showing incoming bytes of the fleet selected in the variable. If you select a different fleet, the widget will change to show data for that fleet.

When creating a variable you specify a unique key for it, for example fleet.

Then you reference that variable in widget configurations using the $ character, for example $fleet, either in the filter pane or in the Data Options:

Add a Variable

To add a variable to your toolbox, select the Variables tab and click Add Variable. Then select a variable type.

You can edit it from the toolbox without adding it to the dashboard. Alternatively, drag it onto the dashboard to add it with a default configuration. Once it is on the dashboard, as you hover over it, the options appear:

  • Copy
  • Edit
  • Remove

Click Edit to configure it.

Facet Variable

The Facet Variable enables the dashboard user to specify a facet name. As this option can contain multiple values, it is useful for specifying group by options. You select the Scope of the facet which aligns with a data type (log, metric, event, pattern etc.), and selectable options are the facets associated with that type - including Custom Facets you have specified in the explorers. Give the variable a recognizable Key - the name you will use to refer to it in widget configurations.

Facet Option Variable

The Facet Option Variable enables the dashboard user to specify a facet value. As with the Facet Variable, you select a Scope - a data type, then you can select a single facet. The user can then select one or more values of that facet. Give the variable a recognizable Key - the name you will use to refer to it in widget configurations.

In addition, you can specify filters for the list of facet values available to the dashboard user. For example excluding namespaces from a particular fleet.

Query Variable

The Query Variable enables the dashboard user to enter a custom query on the dashboard. You specify a Scope for it (log, metric, event, pattern etc.) and a recognizable Key - the name you will use to refer to it in widget configurations.

String Variable

The String Variable enables the dashboard user to enter any string on the dashboard. You specify a recognizable Key - the name you will use to refer to it in widget configurations. This is useful for including search terms or value names in a widget configuration. You can specify a closed list of options that the user must select by specifying them in the Options field with comma separators.

Metric Name Variable

The Metric Name Variable enables the dashboard user to select an available metric on the dashboard. You specify a recognizable Key - the name you will use to refer to it in metric widget configurations.

Add a Widget

To add a widget to the dashboard, drag it from the toolbox onto the dashboard layout. You can position it anywhere on the grid, and you can drag the corner to resize it.

It is added with a default configuration. As you hover over it, the edit options appear, depending on the type of widget:

  • Copy
  • Edit
  • Remove
  • View in Explorer

Click Edit to configure the widget.

Metric Widget

You can filter the contents of a Metric Widget using the Filters pane, similarly to filtering on the Metric Explorer. This includes filtering by Custom Facets you have configured already, and by variables present on your dashboard or in the toolbox. In the Data Options tab, in the Edit section, you can configure metric options similarly to the Metric Explorer:

  • Aggregation: specify how data is calculated and summarized for each rollup period. See the aggregation options.
  • Metric: Select a particular metric to view.
  • Source: Use autocomplete to select a resource filter for the metric. For the value you can specify a variable name. This makes the widget responsive to the options selected by a user viewing the dashboard, for example if they filter all widgets by a particular namespace.
  • Group By: You can group the metric by available facets including Custom Facets, and you can select a facet variable to group by dynamically depending on the dashboard user’s selection.
  • Rollup Window: This interval determines how regularly to apply the aggregation method.
  • Render As: you can choose to render the data as a table, time-series graph or a single big number.

In the Data Options tab, in the Source section, you can quickly specify the widget configuration in the Source field using the metric query language, and choose how to render the data. Alternatively, if you configured the widget using the individual options on the Edit tab, the Source field is populated with those options.

Click Display Options to configure the widget labels. You can set the Time Filter to either inherit from the parent dashboard, or you can set a custom look back period. You can also hide the explorer link.

Log Widget

You can filter the contents of a Log Widget using the Filters pane, similarly to filtering on Logs Search. This includes filtering by Custom Facets you have configured already, and by variables present on your dashboard. In the Data Options tab you can configure log options:

  • Query: specify a log search query or reference a query or string variable.
  • Group By: You can group the logs by available facets including Custom Facets, and you can select a facet variable to group by dynamically depending on the dashboard user’s selection.
  • Render As: you can choose to render the data as a time-series graph or a single big number.

Click Display Options to configure the widget labels, a tooltip and footer text. You can set the Time Filter to either inherit from the parent dashboard, or you can set a custom look back period.

Pattern Widget

You can filter the contents of a Pattern Widget using the filters pane, similarly to filtering on the Patterns tab. This includes filtering by Custom Facets you have configured already, and by variables present on your dashboard. In the Data Options tab you can configure pattern options:

  • Query: specify a pattern search query or reference a query or string variable.
  • Group By: You can group the patterns by available facets including Custom Facets, and you can select a facet variable to group by dynamically depending on the dashboard user’s selection.
  • Select the sentiment or pattern type you are interested in.
  • Select a baseline to view as an overlay on the graph, for example, the previous period.

Click Display Options to configure the widget labels. You can set the Time Filter to either inherit from the parent dashboard, or you can set a custom look back period. You can also hide the explorer link.

Event Widget

You can filter the contents of an Event Widget using the filters pane, similarly to filtering on the Events pages. This includes filtering by the Status, Custom Facets you have configured already, and by variables present on your dashboard.

In the Data Options tab you can configure event options:

  • Event domain: Select Monitor events, Kubernetes events, or All.
  • Query: specify an event search query or reference a query or string variable.
  • Group By: You can group the events by available facets including Custom Facets, and you can select a facet variable to group by dynamically depending on the dashboard user’s selection.
  • Render As: you can choose to render the data as a time-series graph or a single big number.

Click Display Options to configure the widget labels. You can set the Time Filter to either inherit from the parent dashboard, or you can set a custom look back period. You can also hide the Explorer link.

Text Widget

Create headings and include descriptions or instructions for your dashboards using the Text Widget.

Image Widget

Insert images or gifs for your dashboards using the Image Widget. The image source must be a URL.

Add widget to Dashboard from Explorer

If you have a query in one of the explorers that you want to quickly add to an existing or new dashboard, click Add to Dashboard.

You select an existing dashboard or click New Dashboard to create a new one.

Your query is inserted into an appropriate widget and added to your toolbox, ready to be dragged onto the dashboard work area.

Edit a Dashboard

To edit an existing dashboard, select it and switch the Edit Mode toggle:

Edit Dashboard Definition as JSON

You can view a Dashboard’s JSON definition. With Edit Mode active, click the Edit dashboard definition as JSON button.

You can tweak the JSON, or copy/paste the JSON to share a dashboard definition.