Edge Delta on Windows

Installing the Edge Delta agent on Windows.

Edge Delta uses 64-bit or 32-bit MSI installation process.

Note: not all version 3 features are available on a Windows installation. You can install v2 agents.

Step 1: Create a Configuration

Select the Windows template option in the following steps:

  1. In the Edge Delta App, click Pipelines, and select Pipelines.
  2. Click New Pipeline.
  3. Select the appropriate template.
  4. Specify a tag to identify the agent and environment.
  5. Click Create Configuration.
  6. A new default agent is created. Review the agent configuration in Visual Pipelines.

When you return to the Pipelines page, the new agent configuration is listed.

Step 2: Deploy an Edge Delta Agent

Note: Select the Legacy deployment option for Windows.

  1. On the Pipelines - Pipelines page, select the new configuration and click Deploy Pipeline.
  2. Select Windows.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Note you may need to use elevated permissions. Right click the Windows button and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Upgrade the Agent

To upgrade the agent, you run the installation steps that you previously used to first deploy the agent.


You can uninstall the agent using PowerShell:

(Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name like 'Edge Delta%'").uninstall()