Edge Delta on Windows
4 minute read
Edge Delta uses 64-bit or 32-bit MSI installation process.
Note: not all version 3 features are available on a Windows installation. You can install v2 agents.
Install a Fleet
Select the Windows template option in the following steps:
- Click Pipelines.
- Click New Fleet.
- Select Edge Fleet.
- Optionally, expand Advanced Fleet Configuration and select a pipeline with a configuration you want to duplicate.
- Click Continue.
- Select the appropriate template and click Continue.
- Specify a name to identify the Fleet.
- Click Generate Config.
- Execute the installation commands, they include the unique ID for the Fleet.
- Expand the namespaces and select the input sources you want to monitor.
- Select the Destination Outputs you want to send processed data to, such as the Edge Delta Observability Platform.
- Click Continue.
- Click View Dashboard.
Note you may need to use elevated permissions:
- Right click the Windows button
- Select Windows PowerShell (Admin). Alternatively:
- Click the Windows button and search for PowerShell
- Right-click on PowerShell.
- Select Run as administrator.
The windows installation command for the Edge Delta Fleet performs the following functions:
- Uninstalls any existing Edge Delta products.
- Downloads the latest Edge Delta Fleet MSI installer.
- Installs the Fleet using the provided Pipeline ID with no user interaction.
Upgrade the Fleet
To upgrade the Fleet, you run the installation steps again.
You can uninstall the Fleet using PowerShell:
(Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name like 'Edge Delta%'").uninstall()
Troubleshoot Windows Installations
Check for Elevated Permissions
You require elevated permissions to install the Edge Delta Fleet. Verify Administrator Rights:
- Right-click on PowerShell.
- Select Run as administrator.
- Confirm elevated permissions:
The command should return True
if you have elevated permissions.
Ensure the Edge Delta Fleet is Running
Using tasklist: Run the following command in PowerShell to check if the Edge Delta Fleet process is running:
tasklist | findstr /i "edgedelta"
Look for the edgedelta process in the output.
Using Task Manager:
- Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc).
- Go to the Processes tab.
- Look for the Edge Delta Fleet process.
Check for Windows Event Logs
When setting up observability for a Windows system, the Fleet collects and sends Windows Event Logs to the observability platform. However, if the host system isn’t generating new events, the Fleet will have no data to collect.
- Press Win + R to open the Run dialog and enter
- Navigate to different event log categories such as Windows Logs - Application, Security, System, etc. Ensure that new events are being recorded. Look for recent entries with timestamps indicating ongoing activity.
- Generating Test Events if the logs seem inactive:
- System Log: Disable and re-enable a network adapter. This should generate system events.
- Application Log: Open and close various applications, which should generate application-specific events.
- Security Log: Login and logout, or run the command
in Command Prompt to generate security-related events.
- Recheck the Event Viewer to confirm that new events are created.
View Fleet Logs
Log File Path:
- Identify the log file path for the Edge Delta Fleet. The default should be
C:\Program Files\EdgeDelta\edgedelta.log
- Open the log file using a text editor like Notepad:
notepad "C:\Program Files\EdgeDelta\edgedelta.log"
Review the log for any errors or warnings.
Verify the Fleet Health in the Edge Delta UI
- Login to Edge Delta
- Click Pipelines - Dashboard
- Select the pipeline and click Agents
- Check that there is a Processing agent, a compactor, and at least one Rollup Agent.
- Check that each agent has a healthy flag.
Validate Pipeline ID Configuration
Check Registry Settings:
- Open Registry Editor.
- Navigate to the location where Edge Delta stores its configurations:
. - Verify the Pipeline ID is correctly configured:
The value should match the Pipeline ID provided during installation.
Check Network Connectivity
Verify Internet Connectivity:
- Open PowerShell and try pinging a reliable server:
ping www.google.com
Ensure you receive replies indicating active internet connectivity. 2. Check the connection to Edge Delta:
ping release.edgedelta.com
Ensure you receive responses.
Update or Reinstall the Fleet
- Open PowerShell with elevated permissions.
- Uninstall the old Fleet:
Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name like 'Edge Delta%'" | ForEach-Object { $_.Uninstall() }
- Follow the installation steps to download and install the latest Edge Delta Fleet MSI package.
Contact Support
If these steps do not resolve the issue, gather the necessary logs and details about the system’s configuration and contact support for further assistance.