Edge Delta Azure Blob Output

Send logs to an Azure Blob Storage endpoint.


The Azure Blob Output Node send items to an Azure Blob destination. The items are raw archive bytes buffered with the archive buffer processor.

  • incoming_data_types: log

Example Configuration

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    auto_create_container: true
    compression: zstd
    encoding: parquet
    use_native_compression: true
      - Year
      - Month
      - Day
      - Hour
      - 2 Minute
      - tag
      - host
      format: ver=parquet/year=%s/month=%s/day=%s/hour=%s/min=%s/tag=%s/host=%s/

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the yaml using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a yaml list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: blob_output

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


The container parameter is used to specify the target container. It is specified as a string and it is required.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>


The account_name parameter is used to specify the Azure account name. It is specified as a string and it is required.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>


The account_key parameter is used to specify the key for the Azure account. It is specified as a string and it is required.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>

Optional Parameters


The auto_create_container parameter configures whether to create the container if it does not exist. It is specified as a Boolean, has a default of false, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    auto_create_container: true


The buffer_max_bytesize parameter configures the maximum byte size for total unsuccessful items. If the limit is reached, the remaining items are discarded until the buffer space becomes available. It is specified as a datasize.Size, has a default of 0 indicating no size limit, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    buffer_max_bytesize: 2048


The buffer_path parameter configures the path to store unsuccessful items. Unsuccessful items are stored there to be retried back (exactly once delivery). It is specified as a string and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    buffer_path: <path to unsuccessful items folder>


The buffer_ttl parameter configures the time-to-Live for unsuccessful items, which indicates when to discard them. It is specified as a duration, has a default of 10m, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    buffer_ttl: 20m


The compression parameter specifies the compression format. It can be gzip, zstd, snappy or uncompressed. It is specified as a string, has a default of gzip, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    compression: gzip | zstd | snappy | uncompressed


This parameter configures whether to disable compaction by the compactor agent for data from this node before it is sent to the data destination. It is specified as a boolean, the default is false and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    disable_compaction: true


The encoding parameter specifies the encoding format. It can be json or parquet. It is specified as a string, has a default of json, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    encoding: json | parquet


The flush_interval parameter specifies the duration to flush (or force) data to the destination, including buffered data. It is specified as a duration and is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    flush_interval: 10m


The max_byte_limit parameter specifies the maximum bytes before flushing buffered raw data to archive destination. It is specified with a data size and is optional. If not specified for this node the setting in the agent settings is used.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output 
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    max_byte_limit: 32MB


The path_prefix parameter configures the path prefix using order and format child parameters. It is optional.

The order child parameter lists the formatting items that will define the path prefix:

  • You can refer to Year, Month, Day, <any number that can divide 60> Minute, Hour, tag, host, OtherTags.<item related tags> and LogFields.<log related tags>.
  • For ECS, ecs_cluster, ecs_container_name, ecs_task_family and ecs_task_version are available.
  • For K8s, k8s_namespace, k8s_controller_kind, k8s_controller_logical_name, k8s_pod_name, k8s_container_name and k8s_container_image are available.
  • For Docker, docker_container_name and docker_image_name are available

The format child parameter specifies a format string that has %s as placeholders per each order item.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
      - Year
      - Month
      - Day
      - Hour
      - 2 Minute
      - tag
      - host
    format: ver=parquet/year=%s/month=%s/day=%s/hour=%s/min=%s/tag=%s/host=%s/


The use_native_compression parameter configures whether, for parquet encoding, to only compress data segments for each archive file, not the whole file. It is specified as a Boolean, has a default of false, and it is optional.

  - name: my_blob
    type: blob_output
    container: <REDACTED>
    account_name: <REDACTED>
    account_key: <REDACTED>
    use_native_compression: true