Edge Delta Patterns Page

Patterns in the Edge Delta web application.

Patterns Page

Click Logs - Patterns to view the Patterns page.

This page displays detected patterns including those with a negative sentiment.

It is populated based on the configurations of your processors, specifically the clustering processor. This processor type finds patterns in logs, and then groups (or clusters) these patterns based on similarities.

There are default processors already configured when you install an agent.

To learn more, see the configuration v2 Processors page. See here for the v3 processor nodes.

Negative Patterns Graph

This chart displays patterns that contain a negative term.

A negative pattern is based on the negative terms in the Sentiment Patterns section of the Pipelines - Settings page.

If any negative term is detected in a pattern, then that pattern will be considered a negative pattern; however, if a neutral term is also contained in the pattern, then the pattern will not be considered negative.

In other words, if a pattern contains both a negative and a neutral term, then the neutral term will override the negative term.

All Patterns Graph

This chart displays negative patterns. Patterns are negative or neutral based on the terms detected in the pattern. Deselect Negativ in the View Options filter to view all patterns.

A list of negative and neutral terms are located in the Sentiment Patterns section of the Pipelines - Settings page.

Viewing Chart Details

There are 2 ways to view additional detailed information about the chart entries.

  • Hover over a specific chart entry to view the Name, Count and Timestamp.
  • You can click on a specific chart entry to open the Cluster Samples page to view cluster-related information for the selected chart entry, including a breakdown of the detected pattern.

Top Patterns Table

You can click on a specific table entry to open the Cluster Samples page to view cluster-related information for the selected table entry, including a breakdown of the detected pattern.

The Top Patterns table consists of the following fields:


This column displays the name of the detected pattern. Pattern names are based on the agent’s configuration, specifically clustering processors. To learn more, see Processors.


This column displays the number of detected instances of the pattern within the configured lookback period.

% Of Total

This column displays the percentage of the pattern that was detected in relation to all other detected patterns. For example, if this column displays 18%, then the corresponding pattern makes up 18% of all detected patterns.


This column displays the sentiment score for the corresponding pattern.

A sentiment score can range from a negative number to 0.

In this column:

  • A negative number is represented by a thumbs down.
  • A neutral number is represented by a double arrow <->.

Delta P.P. (Delta Day, Delta Week)

This column displays a percentage to indicate if the pattern’s detection increased or decreased in the previous lookback period. In other words, this column’s percentage is a comparison of the pattern’s detection from the previous lookback period and current lookback period.

For example, if you set a lookback period of 24 hours, then the Patterns page will display patterns from the previous 24 hours. As a result, this column will display a percentage of the pattern’s detection from 48 hours ago (the previous lookback period) and 24 hours (the current lookback period).

Filter Options

You can filter the Negative Patterns and the All Patterns graphs on the Logs - Patterns page with the following filter options:

Group By

This option allows you to filter data based on data sources. The listed data sources are based on the selected tag and source type. To select a tag and source type, click Filters. Select a tag, and then select an input type. The Group By menu will refresh with data sources associated with the tag.


This option allows you to filter for specific terms:

If a specified term is not detected in a pattern, then that pattern will not be displayed in the app.

If you specify both an Include term and an Exclude term, then the Exclude term will override potential filter conflicts.


This option allows you to filter for specific terms. If a specified term is not detected in a pattern, then that pattern will be displayed in the app.

If you specify both an Include term and an Exclude term, then the Exclude term will override potential filter conflicts.

Pattern Merge Level

This option allows you to merge similar patterns together. As a result, if you select a pattern merge level, then the list of unique patterns will be reduced.

  • High indicates a higher probability of merging patterns that are similar.
  • Low indicates a lower probability of merging patterns that are similar. As a result, with low, more unique patterns will display.
  • None will not merge any similar patterns.

Compare to

  • Previous Period This option will add a Previous Period measure to the All Patterns chart to indicate if the pattern’s detection increased or decreased compared to the previous lookback period.

  • 24h Prior This option will add a new column in the Top Patterns table, named Delta 24h. This column will display a percentage to indicate if the pattern’s detection increased or decreased in the previous 24 hours.

  • 7d Prior This option will add a new column in the Top Patterns table, named Delta 7D. This column will display a percentage to indicate if the pattern’s detection increased or decreased in the previous 7 days.

Volatile (View Options)

This option will display newly detected patterns or patterns with a high anomaly score.

Unique (View Options)

This option will display one chart entry for each detected pattern; the chart will not display multiple entries for the same pattern. Specifically the label for the y-axis of the graphs will update to display Unique Counts.

Extra Filtering Options

Click on a particular entry to show (or hide) that entry in the chart.

In the legend, an entry that is gray indicates that the entry is not displayed in the chart. You can click on entry to restore the color and to display the entry in the chart.

Filter Pane

In the filter pane, you can filter the Patterns page by Agent Tag, Source Type, Source, and Host.


You can create a monitor to analyze a pattern’s behavior. If an anomaly is detected with the pattern data, then the monitor will send an alert.