Edge Delta Default Dashboards

Default Dashboards in the Edge Delta web application.


There are a number of default dashboards configured in Edge Delta out of the box:

K8s Overview

The Kubernetes Overview dashboard provides a comprehensive view of the Kubernetes cluster’s state, focusing on resource distribution and event occurrences.

  • Cluster is a variable to filter the visualizations by cluster (Fleet name).
  • Total Nodes displays the total number of unique nodes (count_unique of host.name) within the selected cluster.
  • Total Namespaces shows the number of unique namespaces (count_unique of k8s.namespace.name) within the selected cluster.
  • Total Pods presents the count of unique running pods (count_unique of k8s.pod.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Total Containers illustrates the count of unique running containers (count_unique of k8s.container.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Total Deployments displays the number of unique deployments (count_unique of k8s.deployment.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Total Daemonsets shows the count of unique daemonsets (count_unique of k8s.daemonset.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Total Statefulsets presents the number of unique statefulsets (count_unique of k8s.statefulset.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Total Cronjobs illustrates the count of unique cronjobs (count_unique of k8s.cronjob.name) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Events by Severity visualizes the distribution of events by severity (severity_text) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Patterns by Type displays a breakdown of pattern occurrences by type (event.type) within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • All/New Patterns provides tabs to view all patterns or only new patterns within the selected cluster and namespace.
  • Events shows a bar chart of events over time within the selected cluster and namespace.

Note: This dashboard requires KSM and Node Exporter installed in the same cluster as your fleet. In addition, you must have a Kubernetes Metrics source node connected to the Edge Delta Destination node to collect the required metrics and deliver them to the Edge Delta back end. See Ingest Kubernetes Metrics. Finally, agent version 1.24.0 is required to enable this dashboard.

Observability Posture

The Observability Posture dashboard looks back 1 hour by default.

  • Alerts from Log Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:log_threshold data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a log monitor.
  • Alerts from Metric Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:metric_threshold data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a metric monitor.
  • Alerts From Pattern Anomaly Monitors shows a count of severity_text:ALERT with event.type:pattern_anomaly data items for the look back period. This counts the number of alerts issued by a Pattern monitor.
  • Fleet is a variable that you can select to filter the following widgets by fleet. The Alerts from Monitors widgets are not affected by this selection.
  • Erroneous Logs by Host shows a graph of the count of logs containing the word error, grouped by host for the selected fleet.
  • Negative Patterns by Host shows the pattern graph for the selected fleet, grouped by host.
  • Erroneous Logs shows the table of logs containing the word error for the look back period. You can also adjust the look back period for this widget independently.

Top Talkers

This dashboard provides comprehensive visibility into traffic patterns, identifying main data “talkers” whether by byte volume or lines of communication.

  • Top Talkers by Fleet (Volume) displays a breakdown of total incoming traffic volume (ed.pipeline.read_bytes) by fleet.
  • Top Talkers by Deployment visualizes the sum of incoming traffic (ed.pipeline.read_bytes) grouped by k8s.deployment.name over time.
  • Top Talkers by Namespace showcases the sum of incoming traffic (ed.pipeline.read_bytes) grouped by k8s.namespace.name, providing insights into which namespaces have the most traffic.
  • Top Talkers by Host displays the ed.pipeline.read_bytes metric as a time series grouped by host.name, identifying key hosts with significant traffic.
  • Top Talkers by Fleet (Lines) illustrates the distribution of outgoing communication lines count (the ed.pipeline.write_items metric) grouped by fleet (ed.tag), offering a volume perspective.

Fleet Resource Usage

The Fleet Resource Usage dashboard provides insights into fleet resource utilization metrics across hosts.

  • Fleet is a variable to filter the visualizations by fleet.
  • Average CPU Usage displays the average CPU system usage (the ed.host.cpu.system.average metric) grouped by host.name for each host within the selected fleet, giving an overview of processing load over time.
  • Maximum Memory Used shows the peak memory consumption per host (the maximum of ed.host.memory.used.value over a 5 minute rollup window grouped by host.name), helping identify hosts that might be constrained by memory usage.
  • Average Disk Read Bytes illustrates the rate of disk read operations over time for hosts within the chosen fleet, indicating I/O read intensity. It is configured as the average ed.host.disk.read_bytes metric over a 5 minute rollup window and grouped by host.name.
  • Average Disk Write Bytes presents the rate of disk write operations, highlighting I/O write utilization across the hosts in the selected fleet. It is configured as the average ed.host.disk.write_bytes metric over a 5 minute rollup window and grouped by host.name.