Designing Efficient Pipelines with Edge Delta

Building efficient pipelines focused on optimizing computational resources.

Designing efficient data pipelines is fundamental for leveraging the full potential of edge computing. Best practices for pipeline efficiency can significantly enhance performance and minimize resource consumption.

Efficient pipeline design centers around the concept of reducing computational costs while maintaining the integrity and utility of data processing. By minimizing the number of heavy computational functions and reusing intermediate results, systems can achieve faster processing times and reduce the load on edge devices.

For instance, extracting a value using a regular expression (regex) is an operation that can be computationally intensive, especially when repeated multiple times. Instead of performing regex extractions multiple times for different fields, extract the value once and then reuse that result in subsequent operations. This not only reduces the computational burden but also streamlines the processing pipeline.

Efficient Pipeline Design

  • Identify Computational Hotspots: Examine the pipeline to identify functions or operations that require significant computational effort.
  • Reuse Intermediate Results: Extract values using computationally heavy operations once and reuse them in subsequent steps to minimize redundancy.
  • Streamline Data Processing: Focus on processing only the necessary and relevant pieces of data to reduce the overall computational load.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization: Regularly review and optimize the pipeline as the application environment and business requirements evolve.

CEL Macro Computational Cost

CEL macros in increasing order of computational cost:

  • Return Value of Environment Variables
  • Return First Non-empty String
  • Convert Strings to Integers
  • Convert Strings to Doubles
  • Determine Whether a Regex Matches
  • Parse JSON String Into a Map
  • Convert Values to JSON string
  • Apply Math Functions
  • Merge Two Maps
  • Convert Timestamps
  • Return EC2 Metadata
  • Return GCP Metadata
  • Return Values using Regex Capture Groups
  • Annotate using Contextual Kubernetes Information

See Also: