Edge Delta Kafka Destination

Send logs to Kafka.


The Kafka destination node delivers data to Kafka topics. It supports multiple Kafka brokers, flexible batch processing, and secure communications.

See Send Data to Kafka for more information.

Example Configuration

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic

Required Parameters


A descriptive name for the node. This is the name that will appear in Visual Pipelines and you can reference this node in the YAML using the name. It must be unique across all nodes. It is a YAML list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. It is a required parameter for all nodes.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>

type: kafka_output

The type parameter specifies the type of node being configured. It is specified as a string from a closed list of node types. It is a required parameter.

  - name: <node name>
    type: <node type>


The endpoint parameter is used to specify the Kafka broker endpoints where data will be sent. They can be a comma separated list. It is a required parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic


The topic parameter designates the Kafka topic to which the data will be sent. It is a required parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic

Optional Parameters


The required_acks parameter determines how many acknowledgements the leader broker must receive before a record batch is considered sent. This controls the durability of records that are sent. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    required_acks: 1


The batch_size parameter controls the maximum number of messages to batch before sending to the topic. This helps performance on both the client and the server. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    batch_size: 100


The batch_bytes parameter sets a maximum size limit for message batches in bytes. This helps performance on both the client and the server. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    batch_bytes: 1048576


The batch_timeout parameter allows you to specify how often incomplete message batches are flushed to Kafka. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    batch_timeout: "5s"


The async parameter toggles between synchronous and asynchronous modes of sending messages. You can specify true or false. If set to true, communication between Edge Delta agents and Kafka will be asynchronous. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    async: true


The max_message_size parameter specifies the maximum size of a message that can be sent. It is an optional parameter.

  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
    max_message_size: "2048"


The tls configuration block enables secure communication with Kafka brokers through SSL/TLS settings. The following options can be set within this block:

  • ignore_certificate_check Disables SSL/TLS certificate verification for secure connections. Use with caution.
  • ca_file Specifies the absolute file path to the CA certificate for SSL/TLS connections.
  • ca_path Defines the absolute path where CA certificate files are located for SSL/TLS.
  • crt_file Provides the absolute path to the SSL/TLS certificate file for secure communication.
  • key_file Indicates the absolute path to the private key file used in SSL/TLS connections.
  • key_password Optional password for the key file.
  • client_auth_type Defines the client authentication type required by the Kafka brokers: noclientcert (default), requestclientcert, requireanyclientcert, verifyclientcertifgiven, or requireandverifyclientcert.
  • min_version Sets the minimum version of TLS protocol that is acceptable: TLSv1_0, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2 (default), or TLSv1_3.
  • max_version Sets the maximum version of TLS protocol that is acceptable: TLSv1_0, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, or TLSv1_3.
  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
      ignore_certificate_check: false
      ca_file: "/etc/edgedelta/ca.pem"
      crt_file: "/etc/edgedelta/cert.pem"
      key_file: "/etc/edgedelta/key.pem"
      client_auth_type: "requestclientcert"
      min_version: "TLSv1_1"
      max_version: "TLSv1_3"    


The sasl block defines the authentication details necessary for SASL authentication with Kafka brokers. You can configure the following options:

  • username - The username for SASL authentication.
  • password - The password for SASL authentication.
  • mechanism - The mechanism to use for SASL authentication. Valid options are plain, scram-sha-256, or scram-sha-512.
  - name: my_kafka_output
    type: kafka_output
    endpoint: localhost:2888,localhost:3888  
    topic: example_kafka_topic
      username: "edgedelta-user"
      password: "edgedelta-pass"
      mechanism: "scram-sha-512"