Edge Delta Monitors

Monitors in the Edge Delta web application.


Monitors are back end application components that listen for specific events and then trigger notifications. Unlike edge base agents they reside in the centralized Edge Delta back end. This gives them access to aggregated data across all environments. For example, they are similar in principle to threshold triggers in agent configurations but they can monitor for conditions across all agents in multiple environments. In addition, they can monitor the agent fleet for issues with agents such as downed agents or crash loops.

Pattern Skyline

Pattern Skyline Alert monitors are defined at the organization level.

This monitor:

  • Continuously processes the collected event patterns with negative sentiment from all agents in multiple sources, and then
  • Notifies you of anomalies.

You can create a pattern alert monitor to analyze pattern behavior across all agents. If an anomaly is detected in the pattern the monitor will issue an alert.

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Click Create Monitor.
  3. Select Pattern Skyline.
  4. Complete the form:
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Query: Enter a CQL query to set the monitor scope.
  • Group By: Patterns can be grouped according to selected dimensions. Each group is evaluated separately. A maximum of 7 facets can be selected.
  • Email Recipients: Enter email recipients to receive notifications. To enter more than one address, type the address and press Enter. If you leave this field blank, then notifications will be sent to the organization creator’s email.
  • Trigger Endpoints: Select an existing trigger integration to receive notifications from this monitor via that integration.
  • Suppression Window: You can mute notifications for alerts with the same query for a specific duration after you receive an initial notification.
  • Status: Turn the monitor on or off using the Status buttons.

Advanced Options

  • Supression Enabled: You can toggle suppression of Similar Alerts, which are alerts that are similar but that have a different query.
  • Similarity Suppression Window: After you receive an initial notification, you can use this option to mute notifications for similar alerts with a different query for a specific duration.
  • Minimum Proportion: Enter the minimum ratio between detected negative patterns and all patterns needed to trigger an alert. If the number you enter is less than the ratio of detected negative patterns versus all patterns, then this monitor will not alert. A higher number indicates that fewer alerts will be generated.
  • Sum Anomaly Multiplier: Baseline average of sum of pattern counts will be multiplied to create the dynamic skyline threshold. Higher value generates fewer alerts.
  1. Click Save.

Metric Alert

You can create a Metric alert monitor to analyze metric patterns across all agents. If an anomaly is detected in the metrics the monitor will issue an alert.

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Click Create Monitor.
  3. Click Metric Alert
  4. Complete the form:
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Filters: Filter the monitor by agent configurations and source type.
  • Group By: Patterns can be grouped according to selected dimensions. Each group is evaluated separately. A maximum of 7 facets can be selected.
  • Metric: Select a metric to monitor for anomalies.
  • Aggregation: Choose between Mean, Median, Sum, Min, and Max. This creates the aggregated value that is evaluated against any thresholds you enter.
  • Window: Metrics are grouped into time-based buckets. The smallest time-based bucket is 5 minutes. If you need a bucket smaller than 5 minutes please contact support.
  • Thresholds: Specify a threshold value that will be evaluated against the aggregated value
  • Email Recipients: Enter email recipients to receive notifications. To enter more than one address, type the address and press Enter. If you leave this field blank, then notifications will be sent to the organization creator’s email.
  • Trigger Endpoints: Select an existing trigger integration to receive notifications from this monitor via that integration.
  • Suppression Window: You can mute notifications for alerts with the same query for a specific duration after you receive an initial notification.
  • Status: Turn the monitor on or off using the Status buttons.
  1. Click Save.

Agent Down

You can create an agent down monitor to analyze all agents for inactivity. If a downed agent is detected the monitor will issue an alert.

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Click Create Monitor.
  3. Select Other.
  4. Select agent-down for the Type.
  5. Complete the form:
  • Status: Turn the monitor on or off using the Status buttons.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Agent Unit: Select the number of agents (count) or the percentage of agents (percentage) that must be down in order to trigger an alert.
  • Agent Tags: Select the agents to add to the monitor.
  • Email Recipients: Enter email recipients to receive notifications. To enter more than one address, type the address and press Enter. If you leave this field blank, then notifications will be sent to the organization creator’s email.
  • Trigger Endpoints: Select an existing trigger integration to receive notifications from this monitor via that integration.
  • Suppression Window: You can mute notifications for alerts with the same query for a specific duration after you receive an initial notification.
  1. Click Create Monitor.

Crash Loop

You can create an agent down monitor to analyze all agents for a Crash Loop state. If a crash loop agent is detected the monitor will issue an alert.

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Click Create Monitor.
  3. Select Other.
  4. Select crashloop for the Type.
  5. Complete the form:
  • Status: Turn the monitor on or off using the Status buttons.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Window Size: Configure the duration for which agent crashes will be observed before an alert is triggered. The agent crash count will reset when the Window Size period is up.
  • Threshold: Configure how many times an agent can crash within the Window Size duration before an alert is triggered.
  • Agent Tags: Select the agents to add to the monitor.
  • Email Recipients: Enter email recipients to receive notifications. To enter more than one address, type the address and press Enter. If you leave this field blank, then notifications will be sent to the organization creator’s email.
  • Trigger Endpoints: Select an existing trigger integration to receive notifications from this monitor via that integration.
  • Suppression Window: You can mute notifications for alerts with the same query for a specific duration after you receive an initial notification.

Agent Destination

You can create an agent destination monitor to analyze all agents for a streaming destination error. If an agent destination error is detected the monitor will issue an alert.

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Click Create Monitor.
  3. Select Other.
  4. Select agent-destination for the Type.
  5. Complete the form:
  • Status: Turn the monitor on or off using the Status buttons.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the monitor.
  • Minimum Agent Count: Configure a threshold for the number of agents with streaming issues required to trigger the alert. It must be set to at least 1.
  • Alert for Transient: Configure whether to issue an alert based off of transient failures (where streamers have errors in the last 10 minutes). When set to true, transient failures are included.
  • Agent Tags: Select the agents to add to the monitor.
  • Email Recipients: Enter email recipients to receive notifications. To enter more than one address, type the address and press Enter. If you leave this field blank, then notifications will be sent to the organization creator’s email.
  • Trigger Endpoints: Select an existing trigger integration to receive notifications from this monitor via that integration.
  • Suppression Window: You can mute notifications for alerts with the same query for a specific duration after you receive an initial notification.

Update an Existing Monitor

  1. Click Monitors.
  2. Locate the desired monitor, click the vertical ellipses in the Actions column, and select Edit.
  3. Make changes and click Save.