Edge Delta Service Map
3 minute read
A service map is a visual representation of the services within your application architecture and how they interconnect. It provides an overview of the flow of requests between different services and any external dependencies.
See Use the Service Map for more information.
Note: Requires agent version 1.24.0 or higher.
In addition, your pipeline configurations must include the Kubernetes Traffic Source node and that node must be connected to Edge Delta Destination node.
The service map uses the following metrics:
: Provides information about p95 latency.k8s.traffic.communication.count
: Provides information about the total number of requests.
Service Map
Click Service Map and select a fleet. You can only view the service map for one fleet at a time. You can filter the map using options in the Filter pane such as selecting a service or namespace, and you can change the lookback period.

The service map shows individual services and the connections between them. Each service displays requests per minute, errors per minute, and P95 latency (95th percentile latency measurement), providing insights into performance and reliability. The services are color-coded based on their error rate:
- Red: 20% or more
- Orange: 10% - 19%
- Yellow: 0% - 9%
Service Details
Hover over a service and click Isolate on to view only the selected service along with its directly connected upstream and downstream services.

Click the Details button on the service or double click the service to view a details pane with traces, the request graph, and the latency graph.

You can open the view in the Traces explorer or click a trace to view its details. This allows you to drill down into specific information for troubleshooting and analysis.

Back on the service details tab, click the Logs tab to view recent logs from the selected service.

The volume of traffic is indicated visually by the thickness of the connections between services. Each link is annotated with the request volume measured in requests per minute and the protocol.

Click a link to view its details.

The source and destination services are listed as well as metrics and the trace table for trace traffic along the connection. As with the service view, you can open the view in the Traces Explorer, or click a trace to view its details.
Unknown Services
You may notice some downstream consumer services are marked as Unknown Service, and their details pane lists a URL of Other

This arrangement helps prevent service map noise from beyond the context of the selected fleet. You can enable resolution of unknown services by specifying their domain in the Kubernetes Traffic Source node:

In this instance, all clients and servers with URLs ending in amazonaws.com
(their domain) will have their Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) resolved in the service map, rather than appearing as Unknown Services.