Edge Delta Environment Variables

Environment Variables for Edge Delta Agents.

Frequently Used Environment Variables

The following environment variable parameters can be passed when you install and deploy the Edge Delta agent.


Identifies and authorizes access to your agent configuration in the Edge Delta back end.


Specifies the duration after which logs are flushed and sent to the configured archiving destination. The default value is 30m.


Enables matching workflows using a colon-separated list of workflow names. All other workflow names are disabled. It is used in conjunction with the edWorkflowPrefixes parameter.


Enables all matching workflows with a colon-separated list of workflow prefixes. All other workflows are disabled. It is used in conjunction with the edWorkflows parameter.


Enables or disables the agent leader election mechanism in Kubernetes. Enter 1 to enable agent leader election mechanism in a Kubernetes environment. If not enabled, then the Kubernetes event ingestion will be disabled, even if this is activated through configuration.


Uses proxy details to route the agent’s outbound traffic through an HTTP internal proxy.


Uses proxy details to route the agent’s outbound traffic through an HTTPS internal proxy.


Disables the proxy for requests that hit a specific destination.


Uses a port number to expose agent metrics storage.

Add a Variable to a Configuration File

There are 2 ways to reference variables in the configuration file:

  • '{{ Env "MY_VARIABLE_NAME" }}'
  • '{{ Env "MY_VARIABLE_NAME" "my default value" }}'

If the default value is not provided, then the variable in the agent execution environment must exist. If not, then the agent will stop with an error.

If the default value is provided, but the variable does not exist in the agent execution environment, then the default value will be used.

Environment variables can only be used with string-typed inputs. In other words, if a configuration parameter expects anything besides a string, then the environment variable substitution cannot be used.

In another example, the Slack endpoint is a secret that allows posts to be directly made into a Slack channel. Instead of explicitly putting the variable into the configuration file, the variable can be referred from the agent execution environment.

    - name: slack-integration
    type: slack
    endpoint: '{{ Env "MY_SLACK_ENDPOINT" }}'

Create a Global Configuration Variable

If your account contains multiple agents, you may want to consider setting variables that can be globally applied to several agents via the agent’s configuration file.

To better understand, review the following examples of configuration variables that you can create:

Name Value
  1. In the Edge Delta App, click Pipelines, and then click Settings.
  2. Click Add Variable.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the global variable.
  4. Enter a configuration variable.
  5. Click Save.

The newly created variable will display in the Configuration Variables table.

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