Add Facets in Edge Delta

Add Facets in Edge Delta to pivot data.


A facet is a lens through which you view your data.

It groups similar types of data to provide an overview at a glance. For example, if a metric you are analyzing has various attributes (or dimensions), such as HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.), a facet allows you to group by this attribute to see metrics averaged or summed per method. In contrast, a dimension is an attribute or characteristic of data that can be segmented or filtered.

Add Facet from Item Details

You can add a custom facet to the filter widget from the item details pane. In this example a log is open.

Select a tag and click Create facet.

The new facet is added to a Custom group in the filter widget.

Add Facet from Filter Pane

You can add a custom facet to the filter widget from the Filter pane. In this example the Patterns Explorer is open.

Click one of the kebab icons on a group and select Create Facet.

You specify a dimension, for example, the group by parameter you set in the Log to Pattern node.

Metric Facet Example

If the metric you select has multiple dimensions you can create a custom facet to group by. For example, suppose you have a log to metric node that captures the average latency per HTTP method and generates a metric like the following:

  "_stat_type": "avg"
  "_type": "metric"
  "attributes": {
    "method": "GET"
  "gauge": {
    "value": 1051
  "kind": "gauge"
  "name": "latency_per_method_latency.avg"
  "resource": {...}
  "start_timestamp": 1714124367305
  "timestamp": 1714124427305
  "unit": "1"

The dimension method is captured as an attribute, and in this instance the average latency is for the GET method.

  1. Click the three dots on any facet group and select Create Facet.
  1. Specify the dimension name prefixed with an @ character, in this instance @method.

With the multi-dimension metric specified in the Metric field, you can select the facet in the Group By list, and you can filter by the facet in the Filters pane.