Edge Delta Google Cloud Platform Output

Stream data to a GCP project.


The Cloud Monitoring output will stream custom Google Cloud metrics to a Cloud project.


To integrate with Google Cloud Monitoring, you need first

  • Log into your GCP account and create a new project.
  • Create a service account with the Monitoring Admin role.
  • Create a key using the service account and download it as JSON.


Create an agent and configure it with the details of the GCP Cloud Monitoring account. Copy the downloaded key and paste it in the agent configuration, being sure to indent the JSON appropriately in the key section. Alternatively, refer to the JSON key file using the key-path parameter.

The following configuration shows the JSON key syntax:

    - name: my-cloudmonitoring
      type: cloudmonitoring
      project_id: edgedelta
      key: >
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2"
      features: metric

Required Parameters


Required The name parameter specifies a name for the data destination. You refer to this name in other places, for example to refer to a specific destination in a workflow. Names must be unique within the outputs section. It is a yaml list element so it begins with a - and a space followed by the string. A name is required for a data destinations.

    - name: <data destination name>

type: cloudmonitoring


The type parameter specifies a vendor or technology for the streaming data destination. It is a closed list element that requires one of the options. See the supported types here{target="_blank"}. A type is required for a streaming data destination.

    - name: <data destination name>
      type: <destination type>


Required Enter the identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource.

Optional Parameters



This parameter refers to the organization-level integration created in the Integrations page. If you need to add multiple instances of the same integration into the config, then you can add a custom name to each instance via the name parameter. In this situation, the name should be used to refer to the specific instance of the destination in the workflows.

integration_name: orgs-fluentd


Optional Enter a key for the agent to use for authentication. You must enter a key or key_path.



Enter a path for the agent to use for authentication.

You must enter a key or key_path.



The features parameter specifies which types of data collected or generated by the agent to send to the output. It is written as a comma separated list. All streaming destinations support a features field but not all of them support the full list of datasets. For example, some destinations only support metrics. The features you can include are listed here. A feature is optional for a data destination.

    - name: <data destination name>
      type: <data destination type>
      features: <feature 1>, <feature 2> 



Enter a length of time to retry failed streaming data.

After this length of time is reached, the failed streaming data will no longer be tried.



Enter a folder path to temporarily store failed streaming data.

The failed streaming data will be retried until the data reaches its destinations or until the Buffer TTL value is reached.

If you enter a path that does not exist, then the agent will create directories, as needed.



Enter the maximum size of failed streaming data that you want to retry.

If the failed streaming data is larger than this size, then the failed streaming data will not be retried.

Supported Feature Types

See Streaming Features.

Feature Type Supported?
Log No
Metrics Yes
Alert as event No
Alert as log No
Health No
Dimensions as attribute No
Send as is No
Send as JSON No
Custom tags No
EDAC enrichment No
Message template No
outgoing_bytes.sum No
outgoing__raw_bytes.sum No
outgoing_lines.count No
output buffering to disk No

Create a GCP Key

You need to create a GCP key. You can use this key to populate the key parameter for a newly created GCP Cloud Monitoring output.

When you create a GCP Cloud Monitoring output, you must enter a key or key_path.

Step 1: Create a Project

  1. Log in to your GCP account.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Resources page.
  3. Click Create Project.
  4. For Project name, enter a descriptive name.
  5. For Organization and Location, ensure that edgedelta.com is used.
  6. Click Create.

Step 2: Create a Service Account

  1. In your GCP Account, navigate to the IAM page, and then access the Service Account page.
  2. Click Create Service Account.
  3. Complete the missing fields, and then click Create And Continue.
  4. Under Grant this service account access to project, select the Monitoring Admin role.
  5. Click Continue, and then click Done.

Step 3: Create a Key

  1. In the Service Accounts page, select the newly created service account.
  2. Click Keys.
  3. Click Add Key, and then click Create new key.
  4. In the window that appears, select JSON, and then click Create. A file will automatically downloaded to your computer. You can use this information to populate the key parameter in the YAML file.

Routing to a Cloud Fleet

You can configure a DataDog agent to collect logs and route them to an Edge Delta Cloud Fleet.