Edge Delta Inputs

Inputs define the data sources the Edge Delta agent should connect to.

See the latest version here.

An input tells the Edge Delta agent:

  • Data types to listen for
  • Data locations
  • Data configurations
  • Data tags

Each input allows you to create a label, which is used to map the input to a specific monitoring rule, workflow or streaming and archiving destination.

See the instructions for configuring an agent.

The document explains how to define an input; however, an input is not active until the input is added to a workflow. To learn how to create a workflow, see Workflows.

Input Types

Edge Delta Agent Components Health Stats

Health-related data for the agent.

Edge Delta Agent Heartbeat

Heartbeat metrics for the agent.

Edge Delta Agent Statistics

Agent-level metrics.

Edge Delta with Azure Event Hubs

Consume logs from Azure Event Hubs.

Edge Delta AWS CloudWatch Log Events

AWS CloudWatch Log Events.

Edge Delta with Docker Containers

Docker containers for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta Demo Input

Create a log data source for testing.

Edge Delta Docker Container Stats

Docker container metrics for Edge Delta to monitor.

Monitoring AWS Elastic Container Service Assets with Edge Delta

ECS assets for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta EDPorts Input

Ports and protocols for the agent to listen for incoming traffic.

Edge Delta Execs Input

Run an executable and consume the output.

Edge Delta File inputs

Files for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta FluentD Input

FluentD ports and protocols for the agent to listen for incoming traffic.

Edge Delta Kafka Input

Collect events from a Kafka topic.

Edge Delta Kubernetes Input

Kubernetes pods and namespaces for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta NATS JetStream Input

NATS stream subscription for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) Input

OTLP ports and protocols.

Edge Delta Ports Input

Ports and protocols.

Edge Delta Google Pub/Sub Input

Pub/Sub project for Edge Delta to monitor.

Use Edge Delta to Monitor AWS S3 SQS

Log files in an S3 bucket for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta System Stats Input

Host-level metrics for Edge Delta to monitor.

Edge Delta Windows Events Input

Windows Events channels for Edge Delta to monitor.

Enrich Input Data with Edge Delta

Extract custom attributes from the source.