Edge Delta Processor Nodes

Processor node configurations.

The Processor Nodes section outlines the various mechanisms for processing and transforming data within Edge Delta. These processor nodes play a critical role in refining and manipulating the data as it flows through the observability pipeline. Conceptually, processor nodes serve as the intermediate stages where data undergoes transformations—such as decoding, deduplication, parsing, and enrichment—to prepare it for analysis and visualization. Each processor node, specialized to perform specific operations like JSON extraction, pattern identification, or GZIP decompression, enhances the capability of the pipeline to handle different data types and processing requirements. This array of processing tools ensures that Edge Delta can adapt to complex data workflows, maintaining the integrity and utility of data as it transitions through the system.

Edge Delta Transformation Nodes

Transformation nodes in v3 configurations.

Edge Delta Aggregate Metric Node

Batch and aggregate metrics using the Edge Delta Aggregate Metric Node.

Edge Delta Base64 Decode

Decode logs using Base64.

Edge Delta Datadog Mapper

Create a payload for the Datadog event endpoint.

Edge Delta Deduplicate Node

Deduplicate logs in a pipeline.

Edge Delta Extract JSON Field Node

Extract JSON from the body field.

Edge Delta Extract Metric Node

Extract metrics from various data types using the Edge Delta Extract Metric Node.

Edge Delta Grok Parsing Node

Parse logs as attributes using a Grok parser.

Edge Delta GZIP Decompress Node

Decompress GZIP logs.

Edge Delta JSON Unescape Processor

Extract escaped content and convert it to an unescaped format.

Edge Delta JSON Unroll Node

Unroll structured JSON content.

Edge Delta Log Level Detector Node

Determine and assign the log level.

Edge Delta Log to Metric Node

Extract metrics from logs using the Edge Delta Log to Metric Node.

Edge Delta Log to Pattern Node

Identify log patterns using a clustering algorithm.

Edge Delta Lookup Node

Enrich logs based on fields in a lookup table.

Edge Delta OpenTSDB Parser

Parse OpenTSDB into metrics.

Edge Delta Parse JSON Node

Parse JSON logs as attributes.

Edge Delta Ratio Node

Report on pattern ratios.

Edge Delta Regex Filter

Configure the Edge Delta Regex Filter Node.

Edge Delta Route Node

Pass logs to a specific path.

Edge Delta Sample Processor

Filter incoming items using probabilistic sampling based on specified criteria.

Edge Delta Split With Delimiter Node

Split logs according to a given delimiter.

Edge Delta Splunk Mapper

Create a payload for the Splunk event endpoint.

Edge Delta Suppress Processor

Suppress recurring log entries based on specified key field paths and interval.

Edge Delta Threshold Node

Define thresholds for trigger nodes.

Edge Delta Top-k Node

Return a list of ranked pattern matches.